Capture more than just the feedback with AI Facial Vector Recognition. Unlock the insights.
Understanding your target audiences
Our feedback collecting Smiley Touch devices automatically capture the demographic data of customers when leaving feedback, meaning that no additional effort or information is required from your customers. You obtain quality-controlled, reliable data based on your customers’ experiences.
When enabled, not only can you understand the sentiment of your customer feedback but you be able to ascertain the gender and age groups that are providing that feedback. This insight will allow you to drive more targeting customer experience to your physical stores and focus on the audience that matters.
What would you do differently if you knew the 30-34 age group were not happy with the service you were providing on a Saturday? Especially if this was your target audience for your service.
The demographic information is analyzed using a 128-dimensional vector, ensuring the privacy of your customers. No personally identifiable information is stored or shared, and it is impossible to reconstruct a personally identifiable image from the vector.